Air filters are an important part of vehicle maintenance. What many people don’t realize is you actually have two filters; one for your engine and a cabin filter to filter the air coming into your car. Both of them function the same way but have entirely different purposes. They are often neglected, particularly the cabin filter, and yours may need to be changed right now. This guide, provided by Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, highlights the importance of filters, symptoms of an overused one, and how to maintain them.
At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA, precision and quality are our top priorities. That’s why we always employ ASE certified technicians - but what does that mean for you?
A good technician will give your vehicle a quick inspection whenever you have maintenance performed. Fluid levels, tire condition, dashboard lights, and a variety of other items typically are briefly explored whenever you bring your vehicle in for maintenance. At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA, we're good at noticing things that need repair, but the fact of the matter is that only you know your vehicle. You know when your vehicle feels off when its been serviced last (or that it hasn't been serviced at all,) and have at least some vague idea of what’s going on with your vehicle day to day. Here are some questions you can ask us next time you come by the shop:
Your bumper covers are always in danger. Between other drivers, obstacles in the road, flash floods, or any other hazard you may encounter, at some point it’s likely your bumper covers will accrue some damage. At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA, we can fix that.
At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, we know how important climate control is to your driving experience. Not only does a fully functional heat and AC system keep you warm in the winter, and cool in the summer, it is vital to defrosting windows and keeping the air in your car circulating.
No matter what type of fleet vehicles or commercial trucks you maintain, the fuel system on your diesel is an integral part of keeping you on the road. Gas systems are pretty simple - there’s basically just a pump that pushes gasoline to the injectors. Diesels are a bit more complicated.
If you drive a performance or luxury vehicle made by manufacturers like BMW, Mercedes, Subaru, Land Rover, Porsche, etc., you’re probably no stranger to state of the art electronics, sensors, and control systems. At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel, our technicians have the right knowledge, ability, and equipment necessary to keep your car or SUV in top-notch condition.
The turbo on your diesel pickup truck is a precision-engineered component. As a result, proper maintenance is essential to keep it going strong, and Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA is the place to do that. At tens or even hundreds of thousands of RPM, keeping everything in good shape is absolutely necessary. Fortunately, turbos don't really require any special maintenance - they just make the maintenance you do all the more important.
If you drive a vehicle with more than a few miles on it, there’s a good chance you’ve noticed an occasional drip underneath it that leaves spots wherever you park. Identifying what is leaking from your car will help you determine whether or not it’s a cause for concern, and what to do about it.
At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA, we know it isn’t always easy deciding what to do next when it comes to major engine repairs. Fortunately, that’s what we’re here for - to help you make the best decision for your situation.
Keeping your fuel system maintained will prevent premature parts failure and poor running conditions. Here are some important aspects of diesel fuel system maintenance, to keep your fleet running smoothly. While your system and components should typically be serviced by a professional technician, there are some things you can be conscious of that will go a long way toward keeping your engine in good shape.
Some of you may have experienced poor quality work done to your vehicle, which may have ended damaging your car worse or left you feeling uneasy. At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA, we understand the importance of high-quality service and repairs which is why we strive to be the best. Here are examples of why it makes a difference, no matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive.
A good technician will give your car a quick inspection whenever you have maintenance performed. Fluid levels, tire condition, dashboard lights, and a variety of other items typically are briefly explored whenever you bring your vehicle in for maintenance. At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, we're good at noticing things that need repair, but the fact of the matter is that only you know your car. You know when your car feels off when its been serviced last (or that it hasn't been serviced at all,) and have at least some vague idea of what’s going on with your vehicle day to day. Here are some questions you can ask us next time you come by the shop;
At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, we’re not only here to fix your car when something goes wrong...we’re here to help you understand your car, truck, or SUV a little better, too. Here are some tips concerning your thermostat - how it works, what to watch out for, and what to do about it when one fails.
In the realm of performance engines, valve adjustments are an essential part of keeping your car running its best. When you add customization to the mix, valve timing becomes even more critical, and it’s important the technician adjusting them really knows their stuff. At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA, we’ve got you covered.
The most important part of your visit to any shop is making sure that your vehicle receives the best repair. While we uphold that standard, the team at Zylstra Automotive & Diesel will also go above and beyond to ensure that you get only the best customer service along with a competent repair.
At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA, quality and precision are our top priority. We specialize in well-engineered performance and luxury vehicles like BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Land Rover, and Subaru - cars and SUVs that require the right touch. For this reason, we employ ASE certified technicians, to guarantee we’re the best in the business.
If you own or maintain a fleet or commercial truck, you are likely already familiar with the term ASE certified technician. But what does ASE mean, and why is it important? Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA has the answer.
Your pickup truck is heavy and hard working, whether it’s a Chevy, Ford, or Dodge. If you add towing to the mix, it’s even heavier and has to work harder. Your brakes are one of the most wear and tear prone systems on your diesel pickup, but at Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA, we can help you keep yours in good shape.
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