At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, we know you’re busy. We also know that while there are certain issues with your car, truck, or SUV you can ignore for a while, some of them shouldn’t wait. While serious issues are often obvious, sometimes they aren’t - ball joints are one such case.
Something will go wrong with your car, truck, or SUV eventually. The important thing is knowing what to do, and how to deal with it. Just knowing what to do in a situation often means the difference between a quick repair and thousands of dollars worth of work. If you see steam coming from under the hood, it’s important to deal with it appropriately and quickly. Here’s what’s going on, and what to do, from Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA.
The steering and suspension systems are key safety-related systems that largely determine your car’s ride and handling. Have these systems checked regularly, at least once a year, and usually with a wheel alignment.
At Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, we know how important climate control is to your driving experience. Not only does a fully functional heat and AC system keep you warm in the winter, and cool in the summer, it is vital to defrosting windows and keeping the air in your car circulating.
Do you have a noisy vehicle? If so, you may need a new muffler or exhaust system from our team here at Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia. The purpose of your exhaust system is not only to reduce the noise but also to redirect fumes away from your vehicle. Redirecting these fumes protects passengers in the car from toxins created by burning fuel.
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless chemical that can escape from an unsecured exhaust system, and if inhaled can pose very serious health hazards. If you experience an unusually loud sound coming from your vehicle, it is vital to get your exhaust system checked immediately!
If you drive performance or luxury vehicle (Subaru, BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Land Rover, etc.) you’re aware that you have a complex and precision-engineered machine. When things start to go wrong, sometimes they go wrong in a hurry. Here are some things to watch out for, from Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA.
Tune-ups are an important and frequently neglected aspect of automotive care. Most drivers don’t really consider the mechanical condition of their car, so long as nothing is wrong with it. However, if a vehicle is tuned-up and maintained correctly, many mechanical failures (and expenses) will be avoided altogether. So whne is the right time to get a tune-up?
If your brake lights are giving you trouble, it’s something you want to get fixed. It’s a safety hazard, and you might also get a ticket out of it. Why aren’t they working, and what can you do about it? Zylstra Automotive & Diesel in Visalia, CA has the answers.